Green light for the Green pass

“We must do what we must do even if it is unpopular”. By recalling Nino Andreatta, on the occasion of the dedication of the Aula Magna of the Business School in Bologna, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi once again summirized the entire political week with an iconic sentence. Or perhaps more, he concentrated with just few words the intentions that drive his government. By the end of the week the Council of Ministers has approved the new decree-law of the famous Green Pass. As predictable, the hypothesis of extension of the green certificate were not benefitting of the support of the parties involved and in fact all the discussions around this topic were strictly analyzed, almost as if the main goal was to strike a nerve in order to trigger the already inflammable spirits of the coalition forces. Still, after the interminable summits and the meetings with the labor unions, which are definitely not the most amiable interlocutors, the new plan provides the mandatory possession of the green certificate also to access public and private workplaces. Starting from October 15.

Now, after having monopolized the political debate over the last period, the green certificate has finally found its broader extension at least within the regulatory framework, considered that amongst the parties’ exponents, whom might be more or less disappointed while others might be more satisfied, it rules a sense of condescension towards the decision of the government. Eventually, also the far-right party of Lega aligned: the leader Salvini admitted in fact to trust the ministers, and especially Mario Draghi, but perhaps that could be just because he obtained the reduction of the prices of the swabs. These affirmations, though, could be explained as his half defeat. Or maybe half victory. However, the green light for the Green Pass arrived just in time, considering the trend of the vaccination campaign that seems to have lost the pace of spring.

During this week it gained back attention also the project of the tax reform, which was planned to be discussed at the end of July, but which is in fact the victim of continuous postponements. The premier’s intentions were to have it on the table by this Friday, but the reform is still at the center of debates of the ruling coalition forces. The far-right opposition party Fratelli d’Italia, faithful to its role, together with the Lega seemed to be already bothered and oversensitive to this topic. Still, it is not surprising that Lega would share the concerns of Fratelli d’Italia given the continuous offers of support that the party of Salvini gives to Giorgia Meloni but perhaps the leader simply cannot get used to the idea of being part of the majority coalition. Regarding the tax reform again, more cautious in the considerations appeared the Partito Democratico and Movimento Cinquestelle. As known, the economic reforms have always been one of the most sensitive issues and maybe the most pleasing topic to party interests.

As regarding the administrative elections, it is still incautious to forecast the results. The main cities, such as Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna and Naples are extremely focused on their domestic fights amongst the candidates. It frightens the risk of returning to an old bipolar right against left kind of division, considered the power the right parties have at the regional level, while the centre-left still rule the provinces, and to consequently remain stuck in an old and well-known dichotomy that won’t certainly help smoothing the path of the Resilience and Recovery Plan.

Meanwhile, concerning the international agenda, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella met his counterparts of Finland, Malta, Ireland and Hungary. In the framework of establishing a stronger European, also from the defense point of view with the opening of the dossier “Expedition Force”, the Italian Head of State reiterated that the strengthening of the EU, in its complementarity with NATO, can make a valuable contribution to the strength of the transatlantic relationship. Which, of course, is indispensable.