Utopia, as conceived by Thomas More in his most famous essay, is a crescent moon shaped island that represents the ideal State in which perfecta societas lives.

Thomas More, one of the most famous lawyers, magistrates and legislators of his era, describes a perfect State, gifted with an ideal political organization and a rationally organized society, in which there are only a few laws – hence good and known by all – which are then correctly applied and easily respected by its inhabitants. However, Thomas More himself realizes that this perfect State could never exist in our real world, and that is precisely the reason why he named it Utopia. Ou – topos, in ancient Greek, means in fact a place that does not exists, while Eu – topos is the perfect, ideal place.

An island that does not exist, therefore, because it is simply too perfect and yet an objective from which rulers, legislators and jurists of yesterday, today and tomorrow can get inspiration in the exercise of their duty. An ideal landmark for directing one’s action pragmatically. That’s what we do, every day, in UTOPIA.

The island of Utopia is in the middle just two hundred miles broad, and holds almost at the same breadth over a great part of it, but it grows narrower towards both ends. Its figure is not unlike a crescent moon.

Thomas More Utopia - De optimo rei publicae statu.


In UTOPIA we have freely chosen to adopt some rules of ethics and professional conduct to ensure the highest quality and transparency of our business consulting as well as training and professional culture most suitable for people who work with us.

For this reason we adhere to the Association for the transparency of the lobbies “Il Chiostro”, and we respect its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, in order to promote the culture, practice and regulation in the representation of the interests of transparency and democratic pluralism.

We are convinced that the decisions for the general interest of the country can be better resolved and taken only when you know that the individual interests compose that general interest, and therefore possible to decide with full knowledge and greater freedom.

The activities of interest representation in the institutions is legitimate and necessary to defend democracy and to allow the institutions themselves to implement appropriate policies that respond to the needs and realities of the moment.

And yet, is absolutely necessary that this activity is carried out with the utmost professionalism and transparency, in compliance with the law and ethical principles, and avoid putting undue pressure or an illegal or privileged access to information and public decision-makers.

UTOPIA is also entered in the European Union “Transparency Register”, and then applies and also complies with the code of conduct imposed by the EU institutions.

UTOPIA lawyers are also required to comply with the Deontological Forensic Code.

Lobbyists are in many cases expert technicians and capable of explaining complex and difficult subjects in a clear, understandable fashion. They can explain in detail the reasons for positions they advocate, [...] they serve a very useful purpose and have assumed an important role in the legislative process.

John F. Kennedy To keep the Lobbyist Within Bounds, The New York Times Magazine, February 19, 1956
