
Head of Parliament Relations
Institutional Relations Office


She coordinates the activities of legislative and institutional monitoring. She is specialized in legislative analysis and drafting, in the technical analysis of legislation, in the policy makers and stakeholders mapping.

Fabiana is the Head of Legislation and Governance Office of UTOPIA.

She joined Utopia’s staff in 2010 and she is specialized in fields such as ICT, web, telecommunications, privacy, copyright, industrial production, protection of the market and competition , research and development.
She graduated in Political Science and International Relations at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome and she specialized in comparative public law and in competition protection.

During the college years, she collaborated with the newspaper ” 360 ° “.
She began to be interested in lobbying activities at the age of 21 years, taking part in the courses of study and research on legislation at ISLE (Institute for Documentation and Legislative Studies) and participating in courses of institutional communication on the web .
In her training years she spent a short time in the United States, in New York, to improve her language skills. In addition to English, she speaks Spanish and some French.

In 2021 Forbes listed her in the top 10 under 35 lobbyist in Italy.

Ex competitive swimmer, she has a special link with the water.

Passionate about books and shopping online, she is totally hopeless in the kitchen.

In UTOPIA they say about her

“Precise and stakhanovite by nature… even in online shopping. If someone knoks at the door, it is a package for her”.